Marlin Marine Surveys & Marine Services LLC.
Servicing the Alabama and Gulf Coast area
Certified Marine Surveyor
Pre-Purchase Surveys
Pre-Purchase surveys are a full length inspection that includes but not limited to: systems check, full hull percussion test, structural, internal, and all safety systems. This survey also included an out of the water inspection of all running gear along with a full length sea trial
Insurance Surveys
Insurance surveys are offered to determine the cost and valuation of a vessel along with seaworthiness and safety in the event to procure insurance for that vessel. Usually it is requested by the insurance companies through the boat owner.
Hull Surveys
Hull surveys are a full inspection of a vessels internal and external structural components i.e the hull itself. This is a quicker and less thorough inspection compared to a full pre purchase or insurance survey.
Damage Surveys
Damage surveys are surveys done "after the fact" of an accident to find/diagnosis the extent and estimated cost of repairs to the damaged vessel.
Vessel Delivery
We also offer vessel delivery services which can be by either by the vessels own hull or by trailer, depending on size and distance the prices vary for such operations. All deliveries are done by Coast Guard Licensed captains and we offer very competitive rates.
Yacht Management & Consulting
Yacht management and consulting is for both new and experienced boat owners. We can help find captains and crew for your vessel and/or train you in the handling and everyday responsibilites that come with owning a boat.